Insert Clever Title Here….

I know what you are thinking because I am as well. That didn’t last long. 

Turning over another leaf, turn the other cheek and move on. Finally…..moving on. 

The holiday did not go as planned. By mid day, I’m packing a bag and have decided to leave. The tears that I shed weren’t because I could not bear to leave him or because of my undying love. No, they were borne out of anger and frustration with myself. I let myself believe he would change, evolve. He did not.  I’ve come to the conclusion he is incapable of the change we discussed. Old habits die hard and old DOGS might try to learn new tricks but rarely do friends. Please take heed. 

I’m beginning a new chapter. One I’ve been destined to start for quite some time now. For the time being, I’m staying with a  friend in the city. Kind enough to offer me a place to land that cold, miserable and rainy Thanksgiving, not only for me but my newly adopted dog as well.  This little guy has been a life saver, a guardian and a joy. I couldn’t be more thankful to have him in my life. It seems as if I do have a tremendous amount to appreciate and be thankful for after all. 

January 2nd is when I move into my new digs. I’m excited. It’s been quite some time since I’ve lived by myself. Another leaf. A glossy, green, beautiful leaf awaits me. 


Night Moves

Be it Bob Seger or Roosevelt… The lyrics to these songs are arousing,intoxicating and alluring and they, in all their beauty truly describe the sexual experience in albeit two different but complete ways depending on one’s perspective.

We’ve spent some time apart, hence the absence of any entries. That time was essential to the continuance of our relationship. The experience was poignantly rough, harsh, angry and most of all very sad. It’s strange and true, that saying, “it’s a fine line between love and hate”. Inexplicable how emotions erupt whether they be storybook or utter horror show. The initial reality of separation is harsh and liberating simotaneously. Even though one might feel “wiser” and know how navigate the pitfalls that lie ahead…. We all still stumble. Memories and experiences. They all become the fabric of the “We”, yet to be. 

The “foundation” of the original incarnation of the relationship has given way to something more substantial or rather concrete. Hindsight is always 20/20. The path we traversed before was naughty and exciting in the beginning. Be warned. It’s not without it’s perils.  I’ve not revisited this blog in months for a reason. I was afraid I would be embarrassed by what I had written. Yes. I was. Certain entries I am proud of, others just plain vapid. What was I thinking? Hindsight. Reflection is a eye opener. I see my immaturity, insecurity and pompousness.  I apologize. However, it takes two to tango. I’m not taking the entire blame for the problems of the past, however I did contribute equally.  

Skipping the drama, we’ve come to the realization that we are in fact, meant to be. Friends, lovers and confidants in a monogamous, long term relationship who wish to continue this journey together for life.  We’ve grown together throughout our experiences. Closer than I ever would have imagined. There are still struggles that we face. None that are insurmountable. We both strive to fill the “gaps” in our now, non existent social life, with the positive. Family, art, conversation & culture. The fact does not escape me that we may be trading one passion for the other. Riddle me this… How else does a couple rebuild their lives? Start with the positive and start with being honest. 

Through all of this, our friends, vanilla and swinger alike have been outstanding.  We love every single one of you! *S, especially so. I don’t know how I am fortunate enough to have you as a friend but so very grateful that I do. Love you! 

I don’t intend to delete this blog. Some of it is kinda hot and tumblr loves it! ;). I will however, begin something new. Just not sure of the concept yet. 

Best to all of you, 


The Rivieria


Next door…. Papa Roach

Five, count ’em… 1 ah haha 2 ah haha 3 ah haha 4ah haha 5 ah haha … Tour busses. Is that really necessary?

Simply, It fucks up our parking. Robert Plant didn’t even do that.

Spring Showers

Why do we let others do unto us as they wish? Don’t we ultimately have the power to control the situation? I think it depends on how sound the rationale or bedrock is. If a legitimate, I will reiterate, a legitimate issue arises then by all means, have at it or me for that matter. I deserve the comeuppance I get. No argument here. I will be the first one to apologize and ask forgiveness. There’s no shame in admitting you’ve fucked up.

But what about the non existent bedrock? Or the faulty foundation that was created in someone’s mind, not necessarily in a calculated way but created as a result of anger and frustration. Not that it has anything to do with you specifically but invariably is centered around you as if you masterminded, crafted and wished all of these misfortunes on them. The actual misfortune is that you were present at the wrong time and the wrong place.

Once swept up in the whirlwind of the blame game it’s difficult to recant without feeling well, silly, I imagine. How does one extract themselves from either side of the playing field with grace and dignity? Or can they?

It all depends on the actual foundation between the two people. Is it strong enough to weather whatever storm batters it? Little squalls and huge cyclones. That’s what it boils down to. Will they blow over or continue to rip apart what was once strong and steadfast?

Time will tell.

Writing For One’s Self

I’ll keep this short and sweet. From now on I write only for myself. Never again as a communication “tool” nor a platform for exalting others. It clearly falls on deaf ears.

I’ve been giving my content some serious thought. I need to adopt a new strategy. As of this moment, I’m not sure what that will be.

I enjoy writing about sexual experiences, but that’s not the only facet of my life that I wish to share. It seems, I guess a mere representation that appears one dimensional. My life is anything but one dimensional.

Turning the page…..

I Love…. I Hate….

I Love feeling the raw, sexual prowess I possess
I hate it when I find ketchup in my hair
I love stretching out in our bed and the gentle trace of finger tips along my hip
I hate being pushed out of our bed by our 15# dog
I love sunshine
I hate cracked tanning beds that leave tan tattoos
I love a grilled cheese
I hate that I smell like it when I cook one
I love being on time
I hate that I never am
I love being able to take people at their word
I hate that it’s rarely the case when I can
I love a clean home
I hate cleaning
I love strong women
I hate that some are truly weak
I love making new friends
I hate cyber bullies
I love M&M’s
I hate having to brush my teeth again after eating them at bed time
I love how comfortable I am with my self
I hate the fact I am 40 something
I love my boobs
I hate the soles of my feet
I love being loved
I hate not being taken seriously

The Ethical Slut


Totally on my shopping list!

“The real test of love is when a person—including you—can know your weaknesses, your stupidities and your smallnesses, and still love you.”

“A final note about love: One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you’re feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.”

Dossie Easton, The ethical slut : a practical guide to polyamory, open relationships & other adventures



Super fucking interesting blog exerpt!

Read and learn!


<a href=”

Enough Is Enough!


Would someone please enlighten me as to why one would be so self sabotaging? Is it fear of the unknown? Insecurity? Stupidity? Or just general idiotic behavior ? This is what I find myself contemplating today and a more than a handful of times in my recent past.

An Excerpt from Psychology Today:

What is Self-Sabotage?
Behavior is said to be self-sabotaging when it creates problems and interferes with long-standing goals. The most common self-sabotaging behaviors are procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and forms of self-injury such as cutting. These acts may seem helpful in the moment, but ultimately undermine us, especially when we engage in them repeatedly.

People aren’t always aware of their own self-sabotage, as the effects of their behavior may not show up for some time. Unfortunately, connecting a behavior to self-defeating consequences is no guarantee that a person will have the power to disengage from the behavior. Still, it is possible to overcome almost any form of self-sabotage, and people do it every day. There are behavioral therapies aimed at interrupting ingrained patters of thought-action and strengthening deliberation and self-regulation processes. Motivational therapies reconnect people with their goals and values. There are even computer programs that help eliminate the constant temptation of online distractions.

When does it stop? Does it ever stop?
I obviously need ongoing therapy. Tiny touches with my therapist won’t cut it.

To those who actually take the time to read my blog, I thank you from the bottom of my black little heart. Seriously. I checked, and today it’s the deepest, darkest shade of black with perhaps a tinge of blue around the edges and curves and within the intertwined veins that encompass said heart. The black is for very obvious reasons. The blue…simply for sadness at the distress I’ve caused others, most importantly, my significant other.

Have you ever considered any facet of your behavior to be similar? I’m not necessarily referring to self sabotage categorically in reference to sex or relationships, but life as a whole. I would be interested in your feedback. Honestly.

I am beginning to think it’s due to unfinished business in my personal life. This has nothing directly, I repeat DIRECTLY, to do with my relationship with Smart, however it most certainly impacts him and our relationship. In addition to that, I feel a overwhelming sense of something missing. In the past I admit to creating subterfuge in my life to distract from the gaping holes in my own happiness. I’ve used animals as band aids before. Hold on! Before you get your ASPCA hackles up, let me explain. Cats and dogs are fuzzy. They are warm. They have their greeting ritual they perform as you come home that sets the tone for the rest of the evening. It’s such a wonderful, repetitive reunion when our smelly, scruffy pup does his happy dance then rears up like Silver (lone ranger reference) oh gosh… It’s just so adorable. I digress. I will reiterate the fact I’ve used pets as emotional tourniquets, if you will. I feel endorphins from the daily exchanges.

I’ve also used hobbies such as singing in a band and more recently, BLOGGING, to fill some of those gaping holes. I recently initiated a career change. The jury is still out on whether or not it’s a fit. Am I sabotaging myself in my professional life simply by having a less that super positive, over the top attitude each day? Probably.

Then there’s my relationship. THE most important relationship, the one I hold so precious and dear…I continually sabotage as well.  Because of one stupid, careless, thoughtless, insensitive, poorly chosen and extremely ill timed word that was lobbed out of sheer frustration, I damaged someone I love very much.  Why is it that my brain cannot prempt this behavior. Doesn’t it realize that, “Hey! Dumbass!!! That comment will be perceived as horrific and most likely unforgivable!” STOP RIGHT THERE!

Seriously, I’m considering stapling my stupid mouth shut. This is not the first time but I will do everything humanly possible to make sure it’s the last.  Smart and I have actually discussed our “argument safe word”. When things escalate or we’re on the verge of saying something that will be spiteful, one of us is supposed to blurt this word out as an alarm of sorts.  We never, ever, ever remember the safe word. I wish we could. I wish I had just taken a deep breath and silently stewed.

Getting back to the gaping holes in my happiness…….

After spending much of the day taking a rather personal and not so pretty inventory, I am left with the following conclusions.

1.)  Most days, I do not feel worthy of anyone’s love, affection or adoration.

2.) Most days, I feel I have not lived up to my fullest potential…categorically.

3.) Most days, I aspire to do more with my life.

4.) Everyday, I desperately want my significant other to be proud of me not only because of the way I look but what I am accomplishing in life outside and apart from our relationship.

In order to affect the sort of changes and improvements to my life that I know are required for me to be complete and whole as a person, I must commit.

I am not looking forward to therapy in the least, but I know I need it.

This fall I would like to go back to school. No, not for the unmarketable Theater & Classical Voice degree…uh, yeah…let the past remain in the past.  I am considering psychology.  Too Obvious? I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday evening.

I bid you Adieu.

Wasted Time

Sleep is precious to both Smart and I. When we are deprived of it due to the flakiness and selfish actions of others, well my proverbial claws come out.

After receiving CONFIRMATION the young 20 something couple would in fact be coming our way, I made the trek to Target for wine and mixers in the fucking freezing cold and we made sure our home was as warm and inviting as could possibly be. After a wonderful bath, the time registered with me, 12:05 am. We should have heard from them by now. I shrugged it off, thinking they are running behind. Smart and I relax on the sofa, chit chatting about the upcoming events of the evening. The sinking feeling set in around 12:30 am. I knew we were being stood up. Fuck!!! We could have had a lot of sex and been fast asleep by now. We both had early mornings to contend with. He a big presentation, me a business call to Paris. After a small bitchfest, we finally hit the hay.

Then…..DING! That wasn’t a text alert was it??? Of course it was. It’s now 1:35 am. I forget sometimes what it’s like to be in your mid twenties. I miss the boundless energy, lack of physical repercussions from late night carousing such as puffy eyes and general listlessness. But God Damn It!! That’s just rude, right? Everyone with me? Yeah, thought so. Anyway, we did not respond until this morning and the exchange goes like this….

Smart’s message:

1:38 am- Are we still up? You must be fucking joking. Please don’t say you’re coming over at 9 pm, confirm at 11 pm, then emerge at 1:30 am with that nonsensical question. :/

Femme Fatale’s response last eve:

1:43 am- I’m boyfriend got caught up at work..not very happy myself..only day off together..we are pretty upset with how our day ended up
Sry we lead u guys on..wasn’t the intention.

1:45 am- We really wanted to come see u guys tonight..really sry

1:46 am- R u ready? We have a car now

I think we had fallen asleep by the time her last text appeared. Then a little shit hit the fan.

From Femme Fatale at 11:58 am:

I really don’t appreciate your attitude.. the only thing I was trying to do was put something together so we all could have fun.. thanks for that though. u were very rude. Nice to see ur true colors!

Smart’s response at 12:19 pm:

My attitude is a result of getting ready, Sultry going to the store to pick up alcohol and mixers, and then you both vanish until 1:30 am? Please! We’re supposed to wait at your beck and call? You reached out to us, then flaked.

Discourtesy is something we don’t tolerate. If you cast the first stone, there’s no one to blame but yourself.

No need to contact us anymore. Ciao.

So there you have it. We shall never see the sexy twenty something again. The lesson Smart and I have learned and is engrained in us…. Never, ever compromise. Be selective. Swinging is much like regular dating. Everyone has their standards. Harsh or not, we won’t date flakes.

Just a Peek Into Our Personal Hell

Just soooo UGH! Almost too cold to Swing….Almost! 😉

Google Calendar

Here’s some sage advice for those of you that merge or make your personal calendar visible to those that you work with…..DON’T!

I do not need to know when you plan to remove your Nuva-Ring! Yes, really!

New Year’s Day Debacle

After all of the experiences we’ve had in the lifestyle together and with previous partners, you come to consider yourself one of those that can suss out the bullshit, time wasters, picture collectors and just plain ole’ freaky shit that just doesn’t fly.  Once in a while…you are humbled.

After a full two day’s worth of play, including NYE, we decided to invite some close friends over for a cozy night of dinner, drinks and of course…sex.  YUM!  Needless to say, the gathering of four proliferated rapidly into ten.  Even though I was looking forward to seeing just our close friends, I was intrigued by the others who would be arriving shortly.  I will preface the remainder of this post by saying “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM CRAIG’S LIST!” Granted, we’ve met some very nice couples from there, but the freaks and all else out number them by far!  “nuff said!

The couples began to arrive, some we were familiar with more so than some. Conversations flowed as did the alcohol and soon we began playing our “ice breaker”.  It’s a game of high low. Here are the rules. Very Simple.

1.) Jokers can tell each person one thing to do. I.e; you kiss that guy or you take off his shirt seductively,etc.

2.) Aces can tell any one person in the group what to do.

3.) If neither of the aforementioned cards are present, then the high card can tell any one person what to do.

4.) In the event 2 of the same high card are dealt, i.e; 2 10’s can tell the low card what to do. one ask per high card.

The object of the game is to get everyone aroused and naked. Smart and I always play an icebreaker, never jump in and whip off our clothes. Just too gosh!

During our first round, one of our guest couples whom I shall call Pablo & Cruise, became pretty freaking aggressive and L-O-U-D.  we’re not the quietest people by any stretch, but this guy was just obnoxious. Making sarcastic, references about his own ethnic group. Implying all sorts of things, just being uncool.  Cruise, his gf, or so we thought, was a little wacky too.  Very insistent, very bi and would not take no for an answer.  At one point, another female guest became ill…2 bottles of champagne will do it! So as the host, I felt an obligation to make sure she was taken care of. Knowing I had a puker in my restroom, Cruise became extremely insistent I come play with she and Pablo. That was the beginning of the end for me.  I get it…you’re fucking horny. I literally yanked my arm from her grasp and told her she needed to leave me alone, ASAP. She sulks off. Once my ill guest is again coherent and standing on her own she and her hubby are on their way home.

Then there were eight…..

Frankly, I felt like a piece of meat. I’ve never felt so hunted in this lifestyle before.  Pablo wanted to fuck me and made absolutely no bones about it. He kept making these strange faces, looking me up and down….ewwww. I felt like I needed a shower.  I quickly engage one of our close friends and he goes down on me  That’s not good enough. I need to make sure he stays put. I don’t want any orifices exposed or vulnerable to Pablo.  To make sure he understands the mission completely, I raise his head from between my thighs and say quietly, no matter what happens, you are not to move…keep eating! He laughs and then I see the lightbulb go on.  Of course he honored my request.  Another friend, I waved over and said basically the same thing, but his cock was mouth level…I couldn’t help go To town.  Even though there was an ulterior motive to my eagerness…I don’t think they minded…AT ALL!  I know what some of you must be thinking…Why didn’t you kick them out? In retrospect, yeah, yeah,yeah…I know.  I just didn’t want to cry “wolf” and seem like a pissy troublemaker.  Anyway, cock in my hand and in my mouth, warm wet tongue all over my clit….I’m doing fine…oh yeah… just fine! Until I hear Smart, say, “hey dude, you’re not wearing a condom” as Pablo tries to enter Smart’s blow job provider ….Really?? What the Fuck??? Honestly!  Now, when my friend was ill I SAW Cruise grab the box of yellow condoms, Trojans to be exact, from her purse. I know they existed.  So here I am, faced with an ejection from our party cause Homey don’t play that!  Drunk or not, you know the rules. Which he claimed to be between trips to his coat pocket…sniff, sniff. I took the course of action that I thought would enable them to leave with some dignity. I did not inform any of the men of my plans, just one girlfriend. She was watching from the hallway as I approached Cruise. I informed her that they needed to leave due to Pablo’s shitty judgement call.  She then told him….not very pretty but better than a man delivering the news. The machismo would have definitely reared it’s ugly head. I just wanted them to go quietly and quickly and eventually they did but not before Cruise begins crying and says the following,” He hits me, he beats me, he thinks I’m ugly, he forces me to do this…” Oh for fuck’s sake.  I ask her if they live together. No.  I ask if she is dependent on him for anything? No.  I ask if they have children together? No. I offer to call and pay for her cab home. She refuses.  What’s really left to say or ask.  I tell her he’s toxic and to extract herself, provide my cell # and ask her repeatedly to let me know she arrived home safely. Do you honestly think I ever received that call or text? NO! Manipulator.

Then there were six……

Now mind you, the original couple we were supposed to be with is still naked and awaiting attention. The other couple, new acquaintances are naked and waiting as well. Honestly, I was emotionally and physically spent. I was ready to completely check out…. But what about Smart? I would never leave him hanging. So, several deep breaths later I come back to our reality, rally and its game on! The six of us begin playing. Our good friend, I’ll call him “The Beast”, was all over the female acquaintance, giving her some fine ass mouth action and the sounds of release come pouring out of her. Her hands gently on his head she abruptly says, “I’m finished.” Literally excuses herself and high tails it to the restroom. I had to laugh…OUT LOUD! What a juxtaposition! Okay guys… Now you know how it feels! Chuckle, chuckle. Her partner follows, the person I was playing with and he has no choice but to follow her lead….. Oh well.

Then There Were Four…..

Funny how things work out, right? After a verbal recap of the strange evening we all settle down into our warm, inviting bed. Hold that thought…I need to give Beast’s wife a name. I’ve wrestled with this since I’ve begun my blog. What to call her? She’s by bestie in this LS and it has to be appropriate and fitting. I know, I have it! Lady. She truly is one. Never has she once tried to poach Smart, text him random nudes, sext him etc. she respects boundaries. I consider her a real life friend. Ok, back to business….
All four of us are comfy cozy and playing with one another’s partners. I KNOW that Smart totally does it for Lady! I hear the familiar sounds of satisfaction and arousal from her. I’m glad! Smart moves her into a 69 but her leg is at a AKWARD angle, I pull it down gently beside my head so she has purchase and can move freely against his mouth. His eyes flash at me in appreciation. Yes, job well done Sultry! Beast and I are locked in our usual position which he is quite stellar at BTW. But I know he’s got to be as fucking exhausted as I am, as it’s now 4 am and counting. Smart and Lady have now morphed into the full on fucking stage…Beast and I? Not scratched the surface just yet. Instead of making this frenzied, mad dash to make sure he’s raring to go I pull him close and say, “let’s just make out…I have something special for you.” I have piqued his interest. I begin by gently kissing him, caressing his back, sides and playing ever so gently with his nipples. He loves it! I continue with my whole mouth on his neck… Tongue swirling, circling all over and both sides, then gently nipping here and there at his ear. I am eliciting sounds from this man I’ve never heard before. It’s quite erotic. It’s quite a….neckgasam! We continue for several minutes like this. Reminds me of necking in high school…forgive me. I am from the south, you see. I sink back into a particular time with my first serious boyfriend. Just making out, warm hands, wet mouths…not quite going there but going further than you have before. SNAP! Back to reality. Beast and I are so into “necking” I think it may have disrupted the fuck fest next to us! OOOPS! I can honestly say, that experience was the hottest and most uninhibited one I’ve had with Beast, to date. Fucking Fabulous! I don’t know if Smart came that night. All I know, is that all ended well.

To Walk The Dog or Not Walk The Dog

This is the question!

Never, ever really a question. But he’s looking mighty surly this morning. Wouldn’t you agree? It’s only 2 degrees and -10 with the wind chill. I hope he goes QUICKLY!!!!!

Summer in all of it’s wondrous glory can’t come soon enough!


For Those About To Swing, I Salute YOU!

Lets say, hypothetically if some of you had asked about joining the lifestyle in one respect or another, here would be my advice.

1.) Join aka SLS. You can be a free member but no one takes them seriously as they can only send 5 emails per day and cannot view pictures. Spend the $14.95 for a month so you can enjoy the experience. Now that being said, the site is under “construction” and is a bit archaic. Just grin and bear it. 😁 no, I am not paid to endorse them in anyway shape or form although I probably should be.

2.) you’ll be asked to create a profile and to post a picture. It is wise to post intimate pictures or those that you might find otherwise compromising in a private gallery but we’ll revisit that in a moment. It is best to be thorough as possible when creating your profile. Take some time, be articulate intelligent and witty. Nothing really turns off the experienced and those people that you really want to hang around more than some dumbass going “I want sex!” That’s a given. Be creative, be fun, be playful. Very important. Be sure to represent yourself in an honest fashion. There’s nothing worse than reading someone’s profile, getting all excited, contacting them,!setting up a date and then finding out their boundaries are something completely different than what was listed. Now, let’s talk about your picture. I can’t begin to count all of the emails….well wait, I actually had At the time…. over 750 unopened emails on SLS when I met Smart. Why were they unopened? because they were mostly of cocks. I’d seen so many cocks, I didn’t want to see another one! Well that’s not true LOL, but you get my point. The only reason that I opened Smart’s email to me on that wintry evening was because of his profile picture. It was a pic of him in his suit at a lectern. I could only see from the neck down and of course the lectern and perhaps his hands. This image communicated so many different things to me such as he was a professional, he was not interested in showing me his cock right off the bat thank God…he made me work for it!!! LOL and that he actually cared about the image he portrayed to the swinging public. Save the dick pics for your private galleries and for a couple of email exchanges later. It won’t kill you!

3.) Communication. Nothing is worse than a one or two line email that looks like you copied and pasted it. Put some effort into it, give it your all! After all, you are trying to get laid.

4.) This is the most important rule and probably should’ve been my first point. Smart and I as well as all of our friends, we will not compromise on, without exception. Always, always, always practice SAFE SEX, no matter what. You’ll sleep much better at night. Trust me!

5.) For those of you wanting to join orgies or group play as a single, I have very specific advice for you. Read the forums and follow some of the individuals who might belong to groups in your area that indulge in such things. You can tell the creeps from the good guys pretty much right away. The advice that Smart and I typically tend to follow is listen to your gut. It almost never lies. OH!! Very important!!! Please note that Hotel parties that only have one or two women present are more than likely run by/for prostitutes. They charge about $60 per head and generally have no limit to the number of men they admit. Now, some of these functions could be legitimate, but normally, they are not. Gangbangs. Be careful. I have never been and never intend to be a party to this particular activity. EVER! However, we know some very nice couples that participate and find it to be amazing. Again, follow the well established groups and or forums. You will see posted events and can view the guest list, then peruse their profiles. You get the picture. Do your homework!

6.) Craigslist. Stay away until you get a feel for who you are and what you want in this LS. You will find single men pretending to be women or couples. Then all of the sudden, the female partner has to work, can’t talk, will be right back, etc. so then it’s just you knocking on a hotel room door and some single male answers…ewwwww. Unless that’s what you’re into. You’ll see how creepy people can truly be. Take my advice for what it’s worth….back away, just back away verrrry slowly!

7.) Voice Verify! Always voice verify! Make sure you speak to both parties at once to ensure they are not separate people but indeed a couple.

8.) Handing out your phone number for texting or chat purposes. For Pete’s sake….Google Voice, Talkatone, Upp Talk exist for a reason. Use them! Completely anonymous and they work quite well.

I am sure that the more I think about it, the more I will add in the next day or two. But this is a decent starter’s guide to swinging. Enjoy!


A Thank You To Smart


Tonight’s Unfortunate Victim…..

Because I was a complete and utter vegetable yesterday, coming off a loooong, boozy and exceptionally active holiday vacation. He took such wonderful care of me. Chinese food, lots of sleep, much needed quiet time with just the two of us. Not a whole lot of conversation but something that means more. Holding hands, kissing, hugs and after we were showered and tucked in for the night, we made love.

Boys, take note! Such actions never go unrewarded. Tonight, I prepared, from scratch Lobster Macaroni and Cheese. His favorite! As he watches his favorite show uninterrupted, I look at him and wish I could give him then world….for now Lobster Mac & Cheese will have to do and I think he’ll be ecstatic! Happy Monday, Love! XXOO

Promise Fulfilled…Part Dos

With the music blaring, the dance floor overflowing and the hot tubs bubbling away, Smart and I embark upon our “hunt”.  Simply, it’s hunt or be hunted.  I don’t particularly care for the latter.  We prefer to choose to approach a couple based on the following:

1.) Body Language. Are the affectionate? Do they appear as a real couple rather than FWB…Yes, you can tell if a certain amount of time is invested observing. Is there some sort of conflict going on? Couples argue, no big deal. However, Do we want to become involved in a bicker fest or be pawns in some weird revenge play? No.

2.) Attractiveness.  Yes, Smart and I look at the couple as a whole but if we are not attracted then it makes it a bit difficult when the “naked” part happens.

3.) Intelligence.  If one or both people cannot form a coherent sentence or if they have had too much to drink then we most certainly take a pass.

After perusing the skimpily dressed, glittery and openly aroused smorgasboard, Smart catches the eye of a couple about our age and attractiveness. As they approach, a couple we didn’t even see eyeballing us, swoops in. Without being rude, we engage in light banter and I eventually excuse myself to track the others down.  I find my target and zero in. I engage and apologize for interrupting the conversation and covertly inform them that we would be interested in meeting them when they are available.  It does not take long before they are sidled up to our pool side table, flirting and basically devouring us with their eyes.  After a drink, the conversation takes that anticipated sojourn to, “Are you interested in maybe going upstairs in a few minutes?” What?? Of course we are!!  Moving past the second level and onto the third, we can hear the Orgy Room in full swing. The gentle panting and slapping of flesh accented by some moan and a giggle or two lets everyone know things are rolling along quite well. Smart and I have our favorite room. We always gravitate to it.  It’s comfortable, private and usually not occupied because it’s the first room as you reach the top of the stair case.

Our new-found friends follow us in and we close the door quietly behind them.  Closed doors signify NO ENTRY. The party begins without hesitation as their male half begins disrobing me immediately.  My nipples are quite hard and begging to be gently fondled and sucked and of course they are. First, by Smart, then by the Grizzly Guy. Reminded me of Grizzly Adams…what can I say? I do like having someone on each breast. It’s truly a sight to behold and makes me incredibly eager to fuck. Want to make me slippery-wet…That’s the most efficient way!  Smart then locks his eyes on “The Blonde” and deftly maneuvers her into a 69.  We are such on the bed where we can see one another. We silently communicate that we are a GO for lift off!  As the sounds of lustful enjoyment waft from her mouth, she’s going to cum quite quickly it seems, Grizzly reaches deep within me and attempts to make me squirt. Attempt very….very unsuccessful. 😦  And he doesn’t seem to get the hint we are without liftoff. Sadly. Attempt #2. I feel a finger feverently trying to enter somewhere I did not give permission. I gently say, “no” but alas, Grizzly does not know what the meaning of that word is. Grabbing his hand, I suggest that he not do that again, of course my wickedly seductive smile is all he sees. Meanwhile, Smart is full on fucking the chosen one. He looks happy and Very, Very Erect. Good for him… and her! LOL. The Grizzly wedges his body between them and us and whispers in my ear…”Just let me put it in a couple of minutes without one”  That statement jolted me out of the utter boredom I was experiencing…I was just thinking how the shelves next to the bed needed to be dusted. Ummmm, without out one what??? I scoot away from him off of the bed, saying no repeatedly.  What a fucking buzz kill. Not for me but for Smart, who was very close to cumming. I didn’t bust the guy out until much later, when we were back down stairs, but Smart knew something was up. Trading back to our actual partners, we engage in a lovely 69 and I am loving it!  It sometimes seems that one partner in any couple we choose drags the party down. There’s no way to tell when or if this will occur. Just gotta roll the dice.  We continue to play a little together and then notice that she’s dressing. This is a double-edged sword. Smart was enjoying her. I was enjoying watching him in action. Now, because this OAF decided to be an idiot, it ruined the experience for everyone.  Making our way downstairs, we grab a drink and head toward the pool area. I fill Smart in on Grizzly’s behavior. He’s not happy. He’s not happy that happened to me and he’s not happy because he didn’t finish getting laid. Big Sigh.

After chatting, dancing with my breasts completely exposed and some obnoxious singing and more drinking we spot the couple we should have engaged earlier.D & H.  We strike up a conversation and before you know it we are having a great time talking about the LS and all that goes with it. H surprisingly says she has to wind down and needs sleep. DAMN!  But then gives us her blessing to play with D apart from her. Conundrums, conundrums…..Smart is a little leary of the situation but decides to proceed cautiously.  D ends up being a seemingly awesome guy.  We find the room that we hunker down in for the remainder if the night and begin to talk, laugh and generally have a good time.  I know it’s bordering on 3 am at this point, the conversation is at a lull and I sheepishly suggest that the three of us play. Smart agrees as does D.  I can see my man’s cock growing as he firmly rubs it through the soft denim of his jeans. I ask for him to take a pic of me splayed on the bed…I am thoroughly turned on and you can see the outline of my engorged clit in the aforementioned pic…..HOT! I am fully shaved for the occasion and feel so very soft to the touch. I caress my thighs, then outer lips…feels so amazing. I could masturbate for them. Um, No!  I need to be taken and fucked properly.  To hell with self stimulation, at least for tonight! Smart instructs D to begin play, So with a “I just won the Lottery look” he shimmies my panties off and delves into my inviting, wet and swollen pussy.  His mouth feels amazing as his tongue swirls around and all over. Looking over at Smart, his pants are now off and he’s stroking his rock hard shaft which happens to be glistening with pre-cum at the end. YUM!  D then asks if we can fuck. Smart positions himself in front of me, on the bed…stiff cock at attention and demanding to be serviced. As I raise my ass in the air, my cunt practically begging out loud….TAKE ME….he gingerly slides it in and the gentle motion of his energy travels through my body and into the incredible blow job I am happily giving Smart. There’s something so fluid, so perfect about this moment…*Sigh I see D behind me in the mirror and Smart, so handsome and goddamn sexy lying before me, cock sliding in and out of my mouth, his moans becoming a little louder each wet stroke I take, then….I am jerked out of my reverie by the increasing rhythm and begin to feel the pummeling my exposed and sloppy pussy is eagerly accepting.  Ohhhhh…I begin to feel the inevitable tidal wave that will overtake me….then….BAM! D slows slightly, then slows again. Sensing something is awry, *another sigh….. he apologizes and slowly pulls out. He wants to be with his wife. He feels guilty. On one hand, I totally get it. On the other, I JUST WANNA FUCKING CUM!  For crying out loud. We cannot win for losing tonight. Regardless of the litany that is scrolling across my mind, I assure him that his reservations are just fine and that we both completely understand…which we do. Still frustrating!  D dresses and Smart and I are left to our own devices.  I must say that I received the longest, stiffest and most fulfilling fuck that night….by my own man. Not some random stranger, but my man. A wise girl once said, “There’s no place like home.”


Wise Words

“Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you’re a part of them.”

Leonardo da Vinci (via tanghuijuan)

Mind Over Matter…..

Because you are the love of my life!

The Promise of New Years Eve

Image courtesy of Stonys22 on Tumblr

I just couldn’t resist sharing this image. It’s absolutely gorgeous!

I wonder what’s in store for Smart and I this, our first NYE together. I admit I have butterflies. I’m a little high strung at the moment. As I fidget upon my pedicure throne, I wonder if tonight will be a success in every way. I truly hope so. We’re headed to our usual haunt. It’s really fun! A converted farm house, literally in the middle of nowhere. It boasts 2 pools, 3 hot tubs, a club area with a DJ, a fully functional kitchen, lounge area, nooks for quiet conversations or nookie, a multitude of private bedrooms that can accommodate 8-10 people…Orgy anyone? Awesome porn flicks streaming in each sitting area and the bar, to get those juices flowing. A beautiful out door bed, fire out, outdoor showers, open deck areas and sand volleyball court that borders a quaint little creek that’s perfect to sit beside on a 90 degree day. Lets hear it for nudist colony Sunday’s in the summer-more fun that a barrel of blondes, let me tell you!!! 😈 Our club is very comfortable. We have toyed with the thought of purchasing it as its for sale….hmmmmm. Back to reality. For those of you who follow my Tumbler, the profile pic posted was taken on a nudist Sunday. I cannot tell you how glorious it felt to have the sun beating down on my exposed breasts, nipples erect, and completely TURNED ON, whilst savoring a Charms Blow Pop. Yes, that’s my absolute favorite candy. Cherry, in case you are wondering. On that particular Sunday, we had an amazing time. Fun was certainly had by all! Heh heh. But that’s another story altogether and for another time. It’s funny, most of our friends in the lifestyle are celebrating vanilla. WHAAAA? The majority by choice, one in particular not so much. He is begrudgingly going to a neighborhood party sans swinger action! If you knew this individual, you’d be shaking your head and chuckling. I can just see the swinger “DT’s” setting in as I write this. He’s used to getting his own way, but not tonight! As my very, very good friend, his wife is calling the shots this eve. Poor guy. I think I’ll send him some very explicit images of us fucking tonight so he won’t feel completely void of the experience. LOL!

Here’s to a fun and sexy NYE for everyone! Be safe out there and stay warm! Cheers! See you in 2015!


Good Morning!


Source: iquoterelatable from Tumblr

Food for thought on this beautiful New Year’s Eve, morn.


Ever have a conversation deteriorate and YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHY? Seriously…. Wow. Chalk it up to misunderstandings, maybe the fact I was about 2 miles behind the party train(I fucking E; I was completely sober while the majority of the room was FUCKED UP) or perhaps it was some dumb cunt sticking up for a friend who was not in the least bit off put or offended. Perhaps I’m culpable, perhaps not. I’m super tired of tippy toe-ing around stuff. I’m beyond considerate of people’s feelings and honestly try to pick up on social ques, which by the way, I’ve been told….”that’s not my forte” who would have guessed? Whatevs.


To those who clicked on the shit link I posted. It’s now COMPLETELY operational. Enjoy!