Spring Showers

Why do we let others do unto us as they wish? Don’t we ultimately have the power to control the situation? I think it depends on how sound the rationale or bedrock is. If a legitimate, I will reiterate, a legitimate issue arises then by all means, have at it or me for that matter. I deserve the comeuppance I get. No argument here. I will be the first one to apologize and ask forgiveness. There’s no shame in admitting you’ve fucked up.

But what about the non existent bedrock? Or the faulty foundation that was created in someone’s mind, not necessarily in a calculated way but created as a result of anger and frustration. Not that it has anything to do with you specifically but invariably is centered around you as if you masterminded, crafted and wished all of these misfortunes on them. The actual misfortune is that you were present at the wrong time and the wrong place.

Once swept up in the whirlwind of the blame game it’s difficult to recant without feeling well, silly, I imagine. How does one extract themselves from either side of the playing field with grace and dignity? Or can they?

It all depends on the actual foundation between the two people. Is it strong enough to weather whatever storm batters it? Little squalls and huge cyclones. That’s what it boils down to. Will they blow over or continue to rip apart what was once strong and steadfast?

Time will tell.