Insert Clever Title Here….

I know what you are thinking because I am as well. That didn’t last long. 

Turning over another leaf, turn the other cheek and move on. Finally…..moving on. 

The holiday did not go as planned. By mid day, I’m packing a bag and have decided to leave. The tears that I shed weren’t because I could not bear to leave him or because of my undying love. No, they were borne out of anger and frustration with myself. I let myself believe he would change, evolve. He did not.  I’ve come to the conclusion he is incapable of the change we discussed. Old habits die hard and old DOGS might try to learn new tricks but rarely do friends. Please take heed. 

I’m beginning a new chapter. One I’ve been destined to start for quite some time now. For the time being, I’m staying with a  friend in the city. Kind enough to offer me a place to land that cold, miserable and rainy Thanksgiving, not only for me but my newly adopted dog as well.  This little guy has been a life saver, a guardian and a joy. I couldn’t be more thankful to have him in my life. It seems as if I do have a tremendous amount to appreciate and be thankful for after all. 

January 2nd is when I move into my new digs. I’m excited. It’s been quite some time since I’ve lived by myself. Another leaf. A glossy, green, beautiful leaf awaits me. 


I Yam What I Yam…..ENFP


The results from my personality profiling test. I’m a ENFP, can’t say I am in anyway surprised. Yep, It’s official…my boyfriend has his hands full!

The ENFP is the heady individual, creative, quick, impulsive and loving lots of possibilities.

Friendly with endless energy the ENFP will be at the heart of where the people are, future oriented looking far beyond the obvious often seeing things that others fail to. They are driven by the new and have an insatiable curiosity making them mercurial, fresh and enthusiastic. However, having so many interests can mean that, at times, the ENFP may have trouble keeping still, prioritising and focusing on the task at hand, especially if something more interesting is looming. The routine and detail bore the ENFP who wants life, work and social to merge into one stimulating environment with endless possibilities shared with people.


Extraversion is characterized by interest in the external object, responsiveness, and a ready acceptance of external happenings, a desire to influence and be influenced by events, a need to join in…the capacity to endure bustle and noise of every kind, and actually find them enjoyable, constant attention to the surrounding world, the cultivation of friends and acquaintances… The psychic life of this type of person is enacted, as it were, outside himself, in the environment.

CJ Jung, Psychological Types, CW 6, pars. 1-7


Intuitives [do not] concern with the reality of things, but surrender themselves wholly to the lure of possibilities and abandon every situation in which no further possibilities can be scented.

So whilst the Sensing types take in and process information factually and in sequential detail, if you are an Intuitive type your preference will be to explore possibilities, the new, the untried, the untested and the novel. You will tend to build ‘top down,’ ie you will focus on the overall shape and patterns which are emerging and finally fit the facts around these. Your memory will tend to be more impressionistic, ie you will recall the impressions of people, situations and issues rather than the specifics. You will tend to be drawn towards the generalities and then move to the more specific later and your understanding of situations tends to be via a holistic insight rather than concrete experience. You like to understand the underpinning principles and general sense before becoming immersed in the facts and detail.


[Feeling types] are guided in everything entirely by feeling. They merely ask themselves whether a thing is pleasant or unpleasant, and orient themselves by their feeling impressions…The material presented by a feeling type will be of a different kind, that is, feelings and emotional content of all sorts, thoughts, reflections and perceptions dependent on emotional premises.


Perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous. If you are a Perceiver you will tend to work in short bursts of energy rather than at a steady pace. When studying you will probably wait until near the deadline to get things done, as the idea of a strict plan that has to be adhered to does not let you be at your best. You tend to be driven by interest and you much prefer to keep your options open. We were considering if there could be just one question that could identify a Judger from a Feeler and we all agreed this one at the very east encapsulates the difference:

The ENFP is the heady individual, creative, quick, impulsive who will get up in the morning thinking of how many possibilities the day may bring. They are excellent at devising new ways of doing things, and bring a totally unique and fresh perspective to people, projects and situations. People-centred, caring and spontaneous, the ENFP will be excellent at getting things started and they’ll do so with energy, enthusiasm and zeal.

The ENFP may not be so good at follow-through as they are interested in exciting possibilities and may move on to ‘the next big thing’ before the ‘previous big thing’ is completed. They can find overwhelming and utterly compelling reasons to convince others of their point of view and will be animated, expressive and full of life.

However, having so many interests can mean that, at times, the ENFP may have trouble keeping still, prioritising and focusing on the task at hand – especially if something more interesting is looming. The routine, the detail and the mechanical, bore the ENFP who wants life, work and social to merge into one stimulating environment with endless possibilities and lots of people to share them with.

The ENFP is impatient, wanting things to happen now, not comprehending deferred gratification, and usually have the determination to make it so. They will discover, nurture and support talent in others, seeing the good in people and genuinely wanting to see others succeed. And the ENFP will know exactly which buttons to push to motivate each individual.

The ENFP cannot help but see possibilities. Future oriented they will look far beyond the obvious often seeing things that others fail to. They are driven by the new, the complex, the novel and have an insatiable curiosity making them mercurial, fresh and enthusiastic. Friendly with endless energy the ENFP will be at the heart of where the people are, loving fun and a good drama. Unconstrained by rules, regulations or strictures the ENFP will be expedient in their search for what pushes their buttons and every day is a big adventure.

This next sentence cracks me up….at home, I am called The Rule Breaker!  

Giving an ENFP targets, or rules will only make them think up original, inventive ways of breaking them and they will do this with such charm and jois de vivre that others will be very forgiving. The ENFP will see themselves as unique and will revel in this uniqueness finding creative and innovative ways of solving problems and overcoming obstacles. Being part of a group brainstorming possibilities is ENFP territory but they won’t be the one who takes away the notes to type up as they’ll be off looking for the next thrill.

Follow-through tends to be a problem, however as the ENFP will tend to get bored very quickly, especially if a newer, more interesting project comes along. They also tend to be procrastinators, both about meeting hard deadlines and about performing any small, uninteresting tasks that they’ve been assigned.

The ENFP has great energy and enthusiasm but they tend to like the bits they like, which can mean that those issues they don’t like may not get the attention or follow-through they require. It also means that the ENFP will be constantly on the look-out for ‘the next big thing,’ and may be tempted from the agreed route by something just a little more fascinating and fresh.

Silver Linings

I’m a seeker. A optimist, by nature. I tend to analyze a situation and find the positive. I know, it’s annoying to some. I’ve wallowed in the mire of self pity many a time but there’s something intrinsic to my nature that ALWAYS leads me to look for the positive, the silver lining. I had to employ all of my might to do this the past couple of days. They weren’t necessarily bad days, just challenging.
I am in sales. A different breed for sure. I’m not cut throat, nor do I participate in unethical activities to ensure I meet my quota. I just don’t. Agnostic in nature, I believe in karma. That all knowing entity of sorts that will kick your ass AND reward you for your behavior. So, herein lies the question. Why the fuck am I getting my ass kicked? If only this karmic being would tell me. I work hard. I do my job as I’m told. Yet still. My ass gets kicked. I feel like crying “Not Fair!” But that would be weak, childlike. No, no. I won’t be “that” person. I’ll power through this with my head held high and muster that positive, upbeat attitude I am known for and look forward. Forward to all of my successes to come. I pride myself on my positive outlook, but lately it been difficult to muster. Maybe I’ll try meditation or marijuana… I’ve heard it makes one happy or at the very least, relaxed. Decisions,decisions……